Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bennington, McMahon commercial?

DuPage County Board Members Tom Bennington and Michael McMahon (District 3) are running a television commercial. A commercial? Has that ever been done in a DuPage County Board election? You can view the commercial here.

A couple of items need to be corrected:

Narrator: Bennington and McMahon have "held the line on taxes."

FACT CHECK: The DuPage County Board has raised property taxes for three years in a row; they voted for referendum to raise the sales tax; they convinced Springfield to raise the sales tax for them instead and now have $47 million more tax dollars to spend every year.

Narrator: Bennington and McMahon are "keeping our families safe and criminals off the street."

FACT CHECK: Michael McMahon is a criminal defense attorney. He works to get criminals off the hook, not off the streets.

Rule #1 in politics - Never let the truth stand in the way of getting re-elected.

/s/ Robert "Bob" Brandt
Candidate for DuPage County Board - District 3

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